About Us

  • 20/05/2023
Historical Memory of The North Caucasus digital archive and e-library was established and managed by Researcher-Author, Cem Kumuk.  cem_kumuk  Cem Kumuk decided to create an archive and e-library consisting of works related to the history of the North Caucasus first time in 2005. He launched the first application of this initiative through a website called "archivecaucasus" in those years.  Kumuk, who had difficulty in allocating time to the project due to his active professional life in those years, closed the site in 2010 when there was no willingness among other people to keep the project alive as it should. 

Kumuk, who has continued his research activities throughout the intervening years, has decided to revive the project in 2021 in an improved form.  After researching the best practices in the world in this field, he designed the Historical Memory of The North Caucasus digital archive and e-library and take active role in developing and implementation processes by tête-à-tête working with the software team.

In the Historical Memory of The North Caucasus digital archive and e-library, you will be able to find all the original works and archival documents written from the earliest periods when the written works on the history of the North Caucasus began to appear, until recent history.  You will be able to access the material grouped in seven different categories as Primary Sources, Books, Scientific Articles, Academic Dissertations, Maps and Historical Photographs within the collections of our site.   The materials, which you can download to your computer or read and examined online in digital reading rooms, are unique resources for history friends and scientific researchers who are interested in the Caucasian history.  In addition, in the "Highlights" section of our site, you will find news and columns about the works in our collections and current issues related to the history of the Caucasus.  By following the social media accounts of our site, you can learn about the developments about our digital archive and e-library.

Although the original language of our site is English, thanks to the technical capabilities provided by today's internet browsers, followers who do not speak English and speak different languages will be able to benefit from our site easily.  All the leading platforms that provide browser services on the Internet, such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera, offer automatic page translation.  Users can see the translated version of our page on their screens by adjusting the browser settings according to the language of their preference.  Therefore, the era of designing multilingual websites remained in the past, and the management of sites has become much easier.

We hope more and qualified scientific studies on the history of the North Caucasus will start to appear on this initiative and look forward to your support for the further development of the project.